
Sunday, February 28, 2021

Cheers to 60!


I must be getting old. Why didn't it occur to me earlier that my best friend from high school and college was turning 60 this week? She is only a few months older than me. (That has always made me feel a bit better when those birthdays with a "0" at the end happen.)

I usually make my friends a special card to celebrate those decade birthdays, so I knew I had to get a leg up and get on it! 

Linda's favorite color has always been blue. She has the prettiest blue eyes, too!

So it was natural to choose blue fabric and a blue sky paper for background. I snuck in some scrap stabilizer for the backing just to help keep it all together. I purposely keep my old, dull needles for sewing cards. 

I did some hand-drawing for the numbers and fussy cut 2 flowers out of scrap fabric, then used some narrow 2-sided tape to hold it together before stitching down..

I free-motioned twice around each letter and flower, then changed thread colors to stitch down the papers. In the past, I've stitched right onto a square of fabric, but that often bunched up, so paper it is from now on!

 Off she goes to greet Linda and her 60th year in Rochester, Minnesota! 
Just in the nick of time, too! 

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Saturday, February 27, 2021

RSC February 2021: Yellow and Table Scraps Challenge


I like yellow. It's such a happy color and provides that bright spot to wherever it lands. 

When I pulled my yellow scraps in early February, my gray fabric was still out from the first Project Quilting Challenge where we used gray and yellow pantone colors together. See that project here: Illuminating & Ultimate Gray

I remembered how well I liked the color combination of yellow and gray, so went with it again. Apparently, someone else latched onto this long before me! Ha!

I give full credit to Kaye at her Miss Print blog for this Ziggy Zaggy table topper idea. I've had this pinned for a long time on my Table Runner board on Pinterest and it finally caught my attention long enough to make one....with a few variants to make it unique.

I also added a seminole patchwork border to each side. I used this tutorial at Geta's Quilting Studio. It was a bit tricky to center and add on for the right fit. Math is not my thing! My seam ripper got some use and I even seriously considered scrapping the whole border idea. 

A good night's sleep helped and I conquered the seminole border the next day!  I moved onto quilting a row on both sides of the seams of each block, plus just inside each smaller border block. Nothing fancy.

I had enough of the backing all the way around to pull it to the front for binding. I love when that happens! 

My Ziggy Zaggy table runner is a  beauty! I'm so happy I stuck with my plan to add the seminole borders.  She measures 23" square.

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Saturday, February 20, 2021

Project Quilting 12.4: The Snail Trail Block


This week's Project Quilting challenge was to use the Snail Trail block! This is a block that I've seen, but haven't made, so it was a new one for me. 

I started with making just 2 of them, thinking I'd make mug rugs/coasters. But as I played with the blocks and saw the secondary patterns, I went on to make a total of 4. 

Then I played some more and came up with these:

I chose the top block and started stitching! 

Adding stacked blocks to the sides and long strips to the top and bottom gave me the size I was looking for. I also added a shamrock applique to the center square for that St. Patty's Day feel. A squiggly meander free-motion quilting held all 3 layers together. 

A solid green fabric was added as binding and a small piece of shamrock fabric fit perfectly for the backing making this another project made entirely from my stash!

This little guy fits perfectly on my antique plant stand! 
This stand is actually a solid wood piece from an old church in town that my brother gave us as a wedding gift back in 1983.
 (That makes my husband and me antiques too!)

Snail's Trail Table Topper made with 4 blocks
3 layers
One applique
Measures 9.5" x 13"

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Saturday, February 6, 2021

Project Quilting 12.3: Virtual Vacation


Like so many others, it's been nearly a year since my husband and I traveled further than 30 miles from home. Last March, we took a cruise and one week later, everything shut down tight like dried paint on a window frame. Boom!

Wherever we go, we love to walk and explore new places, especially outdoors. Many times, carrying a purse or backpack is inconvenient and cumbersome. I've worn fanny packs, but feel like a real old teenager from the 80's. Gotta be cool...almost 60 year old me! :)

In my Pinterest sewing board, I had this Clip-On Waist Bag  tutorial from the Sew Very Crafty blog waiting to be made. It's been on my mind to make one and this was perfect for this week's Project Quilting challenge. This bag clips directly onto my belt loops of jeans or shorts. 

This handy pouch is ready now and waiting for my next (???) vacation! Woohoo! 

Just the thought gets me excited! 

I chose my fabrics from the stash...a lightweight denim and gorgeous purply-pink cotton for the lining and coordinating outside strip. 2 zippers and fusible interfacing to layer between outer and lining fabrics. This Craft-fuse was perfect to give that bit of stiffness without bulk. 

The instructions were very well written, but that doesn't mean a few swear words weren't spoken! I can follow directions, but sometimes my stubborn side tells me that I know a better way...not with this guy. Follow the directions.

We have 2 dogs. We go through probably 4 or 5 of those retractable dog leashes a year. I always cut off those swivel clips that attach to the dog collar. This was one time I was patting myself on the back for hoarding. I dug out 2 of them and they were just right! Nope, they aren't shiny and new, but they work and I didn't have to stomp through the snow to get to the store to buy pretty ones.  *These swivel clips attach directly to your belt loops.

It's such a great feeling when the online photo matches the actual project! I was on a roll!

The hardest part was the turn-inside-out-part which is kinda like giving birth. 
It's hard work-gotta be gentle-fingers crossed it turns out right-and I don't ever want to do this again process---until you see it's perfect and you made it and you want a dozen more!

Too bad it's not big enough to hold my cell phone!
Maybe it's because my phone is too honkin' big. 
I will make another and increase the dimensions. 
Until then, I will make accommodations.

I just love this clip-on bag! It's so comfortable, even with my essentials inside and keeps my hands free to do other things. May we all be able to get out and discover new experiences soon!

Dimensions: 7.5" x 5.5"
Made with 3 layers in my home in Asbury, Iowa

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