
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

BOM #1 for Sew Sweet Simplicity

Hi friends!

Gosh, it's been a while. As I sit here uploading photos, I think back 3 days ago when the temperature was 60 degrees, I look out the window now and see snow floating in the air.
 It's been a crazy week weather-wise. Ol' Man Winter is on his merry way.

About a week ago, I took on a personal challenge to sew up a quilt block from Jacquelynne Steves  who writes an e-magazine called Art of Home. I can't even remember how I found her or her

Block of the Month project, but I'm so glad I did!
She's also on facebook. (you should be proud of me learning to add a link here!)
 Why was this a challenge for me? Because I've done very little in the way of formal quilting. I've done several quilt-as-you-go projects (see below) and a few more crazy quilting things, but as far as cutting fabric in dimensions and ironing open seams and cutting at angles, I was scared!
 But I took it on none the less.

So here's my first block from the Sew Sweet Simplicity Block of the Month:

I think it turned out really well, at least for a beginner! No enlarging allowed here to peek at imperfect seam matches. I was so excited to make this and Jacquelynne's tutorial was so easy to follow. I am really looking forward to the next block!
I chose the colors based on my home's décor. We have lots of deep reds, beiges, olive green and black accents. This block will be among 5 more blocks that will be made into a lap quilt for the family room.

Here are a few more of the projects I've made using many of the same fabrics:

These are coasters (or mug rugs) that I made In-The-Hoop on my embroidery machine.
 There are 4 in the set, but one of them is MIA.

This is a square (duh) table topper that sits on an end table. Once again, it ain't perfect!
Above is a table runner that I have on a larger end table.
My mind is really wanting to learn more about quilting. While I wait for the second block to come out, I'm working on a Christmas tree skirt for my son.
That's another post.

I hope it won't take me 6 months to get it here.

1 comment:

  1. Kathy, yes you would have to enlarge it - I see no imperfect seam matches. I think your block looks great! You picked a rather complex one too. Love the colors you chose! (same as our living room) if you hadn't told me, I never would have guess that you are a beginning quilter! You jumped right into it and did very well!
