
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Big Sister Dress!

Every soon-to-be big sister needs to have a special dress, right? A dress that announces to the world that she will soon lose her status as an "only child"!
I have a very good friend in Utah that is going to be a grandma for the second time this fall. When her grand-daughter was born, I made 2 sweet, personalized bibs for her. Now this little darling will soon be 2 years old and is making way in her world for a sibling!
So, I got to work and made a Big Sister dress! I didn't know her size, but guessed it would be close to a 2T. This silly Butterick pattern came in sizes L and XL, so I chose the XL. I think she'll be able to wear it next summer too, with shorts or leggings. Once a big sister, always a big sister, right?
Here's the back. It turned out so cute!
Once it made it to Utah, my friend corralled her little sweetie and posted a photo:
Just as hoped, they all loved it!
And that makes it all worth while.


  1. Hi Kathy! What a cute dress! I saw a comment you made about Jamberry nails on Exquisitely Unremarkable and just wanted to reach out to offer you a sample if you'd like to try one. I'm a Jamberry Consultant and fellow blogger @ Night Owl Corner, a sewing and craft blog. I would love to help you select the perfect nail wraps! You can check out my story at and shop my website here:

    Please let me know if there is anything I can help you with!


  2. Oh my - Such a sweet dress Kathy! You must have made three ladies delighted with that gift - grandma, mom and little girl! I have some vintage sewing patterns for little girls, so am actually really tickled to be able to use them on our new granddaughter after she reaches toddlerhood.

  3. Beautiful little dress, such pretty colours.

  4. You made this? How beautiful!
    Thank you for following me on Bloglovin, friend. I followed you back. Come visit me on my blog sometime. :)
