
Thursday, December 15, 2016

Are You a No-Reply Blogger? Let's Fix That!

As you may know, last week this blog was one of many  who were involved with the Sew Mama Sew giveaways. (Debbie M. was the lucky winner.)
As I read every comment, I would then click on the name to see if that person had an email listed.
I wish I had kept track, but LOTS of folks didn't!!

A few years ago, I won a prize on a blog, but unknowingly, I was one of the no-reply bloggers.
The wonderful woman who hosted the giveaway tracked me down on Google+
and wrote a message to me. I looked around on the we for a tutorial to fix it.
I've never had a problem since! (See links below)

  • What is a No-Reply Blogger?
A no-reply blogger is someone that writes a comment on a blog, but doesn't have their email address linked to their account. It doesn't even matter if you don't have a blog, but the term stays the same.

  • How do I know if I'm a No-Reply Blogger?
Click and follow the links below to find out. If you're still confused, comment here, include your email and I will check for you through your name on the comment. Easy peasy!

  • Why does it matter...who cares?
It may not matter if you don't care to have the blogger respond to you personally. It may matter more if you want to win a prize because you DO WANT to be responded to personally!

  • OK, so how can this be fixed?
I fixed my problem by following this tutorial:

Erin has given me permission to link back to her blog. Check around there and find great ideas!

If you have Google+, this is another great tutorial:

Any questions, ask away! I don't want anyone missing out on any future prizes or comments!

*Day 15 of 31 Days of Blogging Challenge


  1. The same thing happened to me back when I started out Kathy. And wow were there a lot during this last giveaway. I think Blogger needs to fix this problem because it seems to be growing. In the meantime, your post will help a lot of people!

  2. I love to be able to reply directly to those that take the time to comment on my blog but at least half of them are no-reply bloggers. I've tried and tried to get people to understand, even writing a post about it, and still the trend continues. Thank you for speaking out about it again. Maybe we need a day for all the bloggers to get together and get the word out. I wonder how many we would discover that way?

  3. It's such a frustrating thing, this no-reply blogger nonesense! Thanks for spreading the word! I should renew my post, too, bump it up, try to get the word out...
