
Sunday, December 4, 2016

Picture This! Sunday

Living in Iowa, snow is a given.

The first snow is always so sweet. At least to me.

Ask me again about snow's sweetness in February.
Or March.
Sometimes even in April!

These photos were taken overlooking our back yard from the deck.

We got about 4 inches of the fluffy stuff.

All of these photos are in color, even though they look like black and white.

It put me in the perfect mood for singing in the local choir
for our annual concert with the symphony.

Yep, I'm still dreaming of a white Christmas!

*Day 4 of the 31 Day Blogging Challenge


  1. That's the loveliest snowfall Kathy. So peaceful and beautiful! I'm like you. I love it, but by the end of February I start to yearn for Spring.

  2. Beautiful shots! Really like the one with the tree in the background of the heavy loaded branches.

  3. This is what it looks like where I live, today, too! The kids at schoo LOVED IT! Well, except for some 5th grade girls who didn't want to wear their snow pants to recess. Let's hope for just the right amount of winter this year. The kind that gives a a snow day or two in December or January, and turns into a beautiful Spring on March 1st.

  4. Beautiful!!! We are enjoying winter wonderland too!!
