
Friday, August 18, 2017

My Improv Stripes Mini Quilt

Oh, how I love improv! It takes me out of my box, out of the constraints of being "perfect", and straight into a place where my creativity can dip its toes into new waters. 

At the end of July, Debbie at A Quilter's Table hosted a QAL using another of her great ideas.

You may remember my Cross Cut Quilt from last summer.
I had followed Debbie's QAL then and that quilt is one of my all-time favorites that I've made.

My Cross Cut Quilt 2016

Debbie's latest improv project was the Improv Stripes technique. 
The idea was to use fabrics with contrast, cut them into strips, sew them together and make stripes!
Blocks of various sizes would be made, then later trimmed to be sewn together. 

I decided to pull out my stash of Halloween fabrics.
Not having a particular size or shape in mind, I just dug in!

Above are some of my untrimmed blocks of stripes.

It started growing!

Fitting the blocks together was the hardest part...but still fun!
Strips and stripes were added, blocks were cut in 2 or 3 pieces and then reattached just to fit. 

I quilted using a spiral design.
I liked the idea of the curves against all of the sharp edges and corners of the stripes and blocks. 

I backed this piece with gold polka dots on black fabric. 

Finished size is 28" x 30". A nice size for a table topper.
It will look so cool with my collection of Halloween props of witches, pumpkins and ghosts.

I think I have a new favorite!

Linking up with:


  1. I love improv quilts and I've never tried one!! Your quilt is great and I love that Cross Cut!!

  2. Thanks for linking up with Let's S.E.W. Your improve mini quilt is fantastic! Looks like a fun project to try!! Thanks for the info!!

  3. Cool looking topper. One of these days, when I have time (like that's ever going to happen) I plan on 'making' fabric for something.

  4. What a great idea for Halloween fabrics! I love how this turned out! I made an Improv Stripes quilt, too, and also participated in the Crosscut QAL last year. So fun to see all the different ways people interpreted this technique!

  5. Oh, wow, I really like that! I liked your Cross Cut Quilt a lot, too! I'm going to check out A Quilter's Table so I can get in on the next QAL. Thanks!

  6. Your quilts are gorgeous! Wish I could make some like that!

  7. Love this. So colorful. Putting scraps together is a lot of fun.

  8. I'd love to make one of these! It's stunning.

  9. How pretty the quilt is. I do not have the patience for that, but I am so envious of your skills. I am so glad you commented the FotoJet giveaway. The program is amazing and so fun. Good luck!

  10. Lots of quilty both quilts
