
Friday, February 28, 2020

RSC 2020: Orange!

My mama would be proud! In fact, she would be gushing at the progress this month and requesting an entire quilt be made from these blocks.

🧡Oh, how Hazel loved orange!🧡

At one time, she even drove an orange car! 

In full respect, orange is not one of my favorite colors.

Even though I had one reader offer to send me orange scraps 
(bless your ever-loving orange heart), 
I spent a few bucks to purchase a few fat quarters 
and even found some orange remnants in the bin at JoAnn. 

Many strips were sewn and cut to make 24 more 9-patch blocks....
2 rows of 12 blocks.

Sewn to the green strips and we have ourselves the beginning vision of a colorful quilt!


Mom, orange you happy? 😉

Linking up with:

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Put a Heart on It! Project Quilting 11.3

I have participated in the Project Quilting challenges for the past several years, but this last week's challenge is the first one I've taken on for this year.
 I just couldn't pass up creating something with hearts!

I think it was just a few days before Kim at Persimon Dreams announced the topic for this challenge that I received the "Love Is Scrappy" tutorial from Blair in her Wise Craft Handmade newsletter. I knew I had to make one! 

The one major change I made was to make mine smaller. Blair's finished wall quilt measures in at 32" square. Mine is a mere 16" square. 
Yep, that's a lotta 2" squares!

Fortunately, I had only to shop my stash for this mini quilt.
 No shopping required! (Shucks!)

It was fun to lay out the scrappy squares and get a visual for the final project. 

You might notice my orange strips at the top. 
They are waiting to be sewn into 9-patches for the RSC project. 

Sewing the tiny squares together was going just fine til I got to the 
top of the heart. 

I blame it on Oprah. I was listening to her podcast and got distracted. 
My husband thought I was sewing a fox head.

Simple, straight line stitching for quilting the 3 layers together. 
I  had a fabric piece just the perfect size for the backing. 

In my stash, I also had a package of bias tape that served very purposeful here!
It was a bit tricky since it was so narrow, but it worked out.

This 16" x 16" mini will be a gift for my daughter on her 30th birthday. 
She celebrates on Feb. 16th, but we've always considered her a
 Valentine's baby. 

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