
Saturday, February 8, 2020

Put a Heart on It! Project Quilting 11.3

I have participated in the Project Quilting challenges for the past several years, but this last week's challenge is the first one I've taken on for this year.
 I just couldn't pass up creating something with hearts!

I think it was just a few days before Kim at Persimon Dreams announced the topic for this challenge that I received the "Love Is Scrappy" tutorial from Blair in her Wise Craft Handmade newsletter. I knew I had to make one! 

The one major change I made was to make mine smaller. Blair's finished wall quilt measures in at 32" square. Mine is a mere 16" square. 
Yep, that's a lotta 2" squares!

Fortunately, I had only to shop my stash for this mini quilt.
 No shopping required! (Shucks!)

It was fun to lay out the scrappy squares and get a visual for the final project. 

You might notice my orange strips at the top. 
They are waiting to be sewn into 9-patches for the RSC project. 

Sewing the tiny squares together was going just fine til I got to the 
top of the heart. 

I blame it on Oprah. I was listening to her podcast and got distracted. 
My husband thought I was sewing a fox head.

Simple, straight line stitching for quilting the 3 layers together. 
I  had a fabric piece just the perfect size for the backing. 

In my stash, I also had a package of bias tape that served very purposeful here!
It was a bit tricky since it was so narrow, but it worked out.

This 16" x 16" mini will be a gift for my daughter on her 30th birthday. 
She celebrates on Feb. 16th, but we've always considered her a
 Valentine's baby. 

Linking up


  1. Love it! (And the story about the fox head!)

  2. Such a sweet gift! I really like all those tiny pieces. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  3. Very cute, great selection of scraps!

  4. this is so beautiful! Welcome back to PQ!

  5. Hooray for shrinking that design down to a speedy 16" project!! See you over at the Rainbow Scrap Challenge...

  6. Kathy, I’ve been enjoying a scroll through your blog. This little art heart piece is so cute, cute, cute! I love the mix of reds and pinks ad it’s such a delightful scrappy quilt of Love.
