
Sunday, October 31, 2021

October's One Monthly Goal: Finished!


I was late to the party with my start of this project, but so glad I budged in line and got caught up! I know, "budgers" are not well-respected folks, but when I speak of sewing projects and pushing one forward, it doesn't sound so bad. 

Bev, from Flamingo Toes, presented this free sew along at the end of September. Over the course of 3 weeks, she and her fun personality made it quite easy to put this pillow together. 

I hadn't done much raw-edge applique and her tips gave me the skills I needed to pursue a few other projects. (Blog posts coming!)

linen fabric used as a background

ready to stitch to the pillow fabric

choosing a thread color...they all look good!

hand-stitching around the pumpkin using Sulky thread

Trim on the back
trim on the back

such a sweet pumpkin!

the easy-open back even looks pretty!

Linking up with: 
Elm Street Quilts October OMG Finish

Meadow Mist Designs October Favorite Finish


  1. What lovely touches you've added to this pillow! Love the hand stitching and trim. So cute! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  2. Lovely. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.
