Saturday, January 27, 2024

Project Quilting 15.2 Sky Colors


Gosh, I love Project Quilting! Not only is it great to wrap my head around a theme/prompt for a week, but it's so satisfying to completely finish a project in 7 days or less! 

Once again, I scoured my favorite inspiration site, Pinterest, for what I would make using the prompt "Sky Colors". I didn't want to go the route of sunrise or sunset with a boat on the horizon. Although those pieces can be beautiful, I wanted something more modern.

I pulled several scrap pieces from my stash in yellows, oranges, and reds. 
These were fused onto Heat 'n Bond Lite.

Then I sliced each shape into strips of various widths.

This is the first layer of strips ironed onto my background fabric. 3 more layers came after this one.

When all the strips were sewn down (lots of stitching!), I worked on the center piece...the sun with a corona of orange behind it. 

Here she is before trimming down and binding with a yellow stripe fabric.
I needed to cut it down quite a bit to show less of the blue background. 

Final Size: 13" x 15"
Made in my home in Asbury Iowa
At least 3 layers of fabric, including batting were used. 

Linking up:


  1. This is really cool! I love how it came out.

  2. It is a pretty quilt. Great label too.

  3. Very Nice. I'll have to try this method. Thanks for the tutorial.

  4. Love your quilt and thank you for sharing how you made it!!

  5. What a lovely quilt! It perfectly captures a sunset/sunrise in a modern way. Those colors are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  6. I really love this - a red hot sun with small touches of the blue coming through. Perfect!

  7. I really l like how you have set it slightly off centre.
