One Blogtember prompt this past week was to describe a time when your life took a turn. I suppose that could be a turn for the worse, or the better. Since I choose to look at life positively, I'll write about the turn for the better.
It's a pretty recent turn, but a really, really big one that happened about 15 months ago when I quit my teaching job. If you read back at a few of the first posts on this blog, you'll get an insight into my psyche back then. I was miserable and in such a sad place in my life. With a ton of prayers, and many long discussions with my husband, I decided it was best for me to hang up my teaching hat. It was such a hard thing to do. My entire world revolved around my job...and maybe that was part of the problem. I didn't give myself a break in the evenings, on the weekends or even in the summer, I took classes to make improvements and learn new practices. I realized that I was totally burned-out and needed to cut loose.
For one full school year, I worked on healing my mental and emotional state after being in education for 28 years. I did volunteer in a 2nd grade classroom on a weekly basis, plus I mentored a needy little guy at the same school. I connected with a ladies group that supported me as I staged my new life. Going out to coffee with them weekly meant more to me than they'll ever know. I dusted off my sewing machine and realized how much I really love to sew. I worked on several rooms in the house to clean and reorganize and just plain throw out stuff, or donate to Good Will. I am lucky to have a wonderful husband who can support me financially and even deal with me staying home. So lucky! He does appreciate the more relaxed side of me and says he can feel the absence of the stress.
So, this school year, I felt myself in a better place. I'd been open to new trails and new possible careers, but nothing presented itself. I applied to substitute in the elementary schools. The day after applying, I got a call for a 10 day job in special education. I took it and it's been interesting, to say the least! I have such a diverse group of kids in my room, from autistic to severe behavior disordered, to brain injured, to even a young man who I'd describe as "feral". They are all kids and they all need loving. I will give them my love and I will give their teachers great appreciation and respect for what they do on a daily basis.
Enough for now! What turn in your life made a big impact for you?