I've never been much of a patriotic sort to enjoy the 4th of July. I blame that on my husband...or more specifically, his mother. Her birthday was the 4th of July and she always expected us to be on the farm in this itty-bitty town in SW Iowa to celebrate. It's hot on the 4th of July and this fly-ridden farm was no exception. Especially with no air conditioning. No ice, either, unless you brought your own. Yes, there was a fan or two, but that just confused the flies and then they'd head for your mouth.
Oh, I could go on and on about my MIL, but I should let her rest in peace. She never liked me. I married her only son. She'd send HIM a letter on MY birthday. Then a few days later, I'd get one of those freebie birthday cards from the Paralyzed Veterans that folks get in the mail asking for a donation. Only she never sent a donation. She kept those cards to send to her only DIL.
OK, I said I'd let her rest. Rest I will. Unless you want to know more. Just ask.
Something happened over Memorial Day that made me feel very red, white and blue...in the stars and stripes way. Maybe it's because MIL's been gone for 12 years that I can finally feel some love for the patriotic holidays. So, I decided to gather my reds, whites, and blues from my stash to make a table runner. I've always wanted to try the Nine Patch block, so why not give that a go?
My husband didn't like these fabrics together, but who cares?
I didn't like his mother either. :)
I sewed twelve of these blocks in the exact same formation.

I laid them out in different ways. I didn't like any of them.
Maybe I wasn't ready to feel the patriotic love yet.
I was about to just ditch it all, but I chose this layout. Whyyyyy????
I still didn't like it after I stitched it all together, so I cut every
block apart on either side of the seam.
I was too lazy and frustrated to use a seam ripper.
Out came my rotary cutter and I started slicing like a Pizza Hut chef
on those bad boys.
I put them together and found a sweet pinwheel in the center!
Love pinwheels. They're kinda patriotic, right?
I've now got 4 new "pinwheel" blocks made from those nine-patch blocks. If you're good at math, you're thinking, "There must be some leftovers?"
Yes, there are. A+ for you. :)
Then I found a youtube video that was a real game-changer for me.
I am going to add those blocks to my table runner.
Any idea what these will be?
Pay no attention to the scissors...they're there just to fool ya.
I hope to get this guy done in a week or so.
I'm in the middle of a big landscaping project right now.
When it's done, I'll be back with photos.
I'll end with another photo of Miss Sophie.
She was born in July too.
But she likes me.