I have always enjoyed writing. As a teacher, I found writing to be such a joy to teach to my students. Those that groaned and moaned when it was time to put the pencil to paper, often were the ones who produced the most creative, thought-provoking stories. Inspiring those kids was the key. Cracking open a hard shell into their imaginations and experiences was all it took. I loved every minute and I always shared some of my own writing with them as we worked through the process of making it to the end.
Mindfulness: a Journal is one of those books that is full of ideas and inspiration to get one writing. Even if you already enjoy writing, the quotes and prompts among these pages may offer something you hadn't thought about before.
A few examples of the inspirational prompts:
- Write a list of things in your life that you're grateful for right now.
- If you could do anything, right now, in this present moment, what would it be? If at all possible, go do it!
- "There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it." Edith Wharton
- "Be happy in the moment. That's enough. Each moment is all we need, not more." Mother Teresa
- Spend five minutes writing about your present experience--the sounds, the sights, the thoughts, and anything else that is happening right now.
I've really enjoyed this book and recording my thoughts that were ignited by the prompts. The book itself is so calming and pretty with thick pages and nicely spaced lines to write on. It's also a great size to slip into a purse or tote bag to keep nearby when the time to write opens up.
Penguin Random House offers more information on this book here: Mindfulness: a Journal
You can read more about the author of this book here: Catherine Price
FTC disclaimer: I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.