Sunday, January 28, 2018

Triangulation–Challenge 2 of Project QUILTING Season 9

I've taken part in Kim Lapacek's Project Quilting Challenge for the last few years and have enjoyed it so much! This year, I missed the first challenge, but am taking part in the second one! Challenge #2's theme was "Triangulation". Who doesn't love triangles?

I wanted/needed to use my stash, so I brought out one of the first jelly rolls I ever purchased: Moda's Primitive Gatherings. It's no longer my taste, but some of the colors are right for my home. I pulled what I liked best and also found some Moda "reddish" fabric that matched! Winner!

Looking through pinterest and google images for inspiration, I came up with an idea to make triangles, but didn't quite know what I'd do with them. I just needed to get going...this had to be finished in a week!

I used a diamond template to cut several diamonds from my "reddish" fabric. I then cut these in half to make triangles. Using the selected strips from the jelly roll, I learned through trial and error, the length of each side needed to be:
14"--13"--17" in that order.

Above is the triangle with the measured border. 

Each strip left me with these scraps  after trimming.
Not much!

I played with the triangles trying to get a look that I liked.
Neither of these appealed to my eye. 

But this one did!

I sewed like a MANIAC on Saturday to get this baby finished!Quilting was done in triangular shapes and in "the ditch". 
It was late at night that I finished hand sewing the binding. 

Is it perfect?
We won't go there.

This table topper measures 33" x 56".
It is 3 layers with a light polyester batting
and a cotton batting.
Made in my home in Dubuque, Iowa.

I do like the modern feel the triangles give
to these "primitive" fabrics. 

If you like/ love this project, please consider voting for me in the link up! I am #111 in the list.

Linking up with