Monday, August 19, 2013

My latest passion, er, obsession...

OK, since I quit my teaching job last June ('12), I have become great friends with  my Viking Ruby sewing and embroider machine. I have rekindled a love of sewing and new-to-me, embroidery! I have so many projects that I want to complete,, I don't think I'll live long enough. Many times I feel guilty spending so much time up in my sewing room that I try to avoid it all together. There are always closets to straighten, dust bunnies to chase, streaky floors to clean...but when I get near that machine, I lose all thought of the "supposed to's" in life.

Here's my latest project: I found these super bath towel wraps at Kohl's on clearance for only $5.99 each. Plus, I had a 30% off coupon which took it down to...well, almost nothing. I first tested my idea with just a "K" on my purple wrap. It worked swell, so I went on to applique my daughter's, then did another for the neighbor girl who's going away to college soon. I love them!

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