Kathy's Favorite Things from November 2013
OK, so I know it's been awhile. Life has gotten in the way. I started this post with all good intentions a few weeks ago when I saw other bloggers posting their favorite things. I thought, "Hey, I can do that too!" So off I went and started collecting my stuff, taking photos, putting the photos into a collage and then, blah. Teaching, cleaning up the gardens, providing counseling services to my kids, and the usual gamut of everyday living happened.
So, today I bring you....taaaadaaaa....my favorite things! If you follow me from the upper left hand corner and move in a clock-wise direction, I will divulge the details of each. (Note: these are not in any order of importance!)
*My Marilyn brush. I saw someone demonstrate this on a talk show a few years ago and knew I had to have one. It's a super back-combing brush with a bonus pointy end for lifting and re-arranging. My fine, thin hair loves it!
*Peanut M&Ms!! Need I say more? My all-time favorite candy. I've been known to have a hidden stash in several places.
*Fresh pears. I am picky about my pears. I only like Bartlett type and they have to be just the right softness with no bruises. I usually carry them separately when leaving a grocery store so they won't get battered by the jarred salsa. Putting them in a brown paper bag helps to ripen, if you want to know.
*Sheryl Crow CDs. I just love her style and her sound. We saw her about a month ago in Moline and she's a class act. She writes her own stuff too.
*Chapstick..not necessarily the trademark brand. It's a staple in my purse, my pocket, my car and on my bedside table. Need it all the time. This particular brand is by Tashi and is super good.
*Cleomes. One of my favorite flowers. I planted a few of them several years ago and now they come up every year, so thick I have to pluck many out. They bloom continuously and come in purple, pink and white. Love them!
*Viking Ruby Embroidery and Sewing Machine. My sweet hubby bought this for me when I quit my teaching job and it has become my best buddy. It has helped to renew my interest in sewing and have made many gifts and projects with "Ruby".
*HGTV magazine. Greatest magazine ever to hit my mailbox. I devour it from cover to cover each month.
*Cheaters. I do have prescription bifocal glasses for when I'm out in public, like teaching school or at church. But when I'm home, I wear my cheaters (1.25 strength) for reading. I have a pair in every room. Real cheap at Michael's, especially when using a 40% off coupon!
*iPad. What would I do without this thing? It's my companion when I travel and gets me major points playing Words With Friends.
*Slip-on Keens. I wear these things all the time around the house. They are super comfortable and give great support with my plantar fasciitis. I also have a "shoe" pair for more serious outdoor activities.
*Last, by not least, my Praying Cross. A friend gave this to me a few years ago, and it is my mainstay accessory when praying...which I do often. It molds perfectly to the hand and reminds me that God is always with me. It's like holding His hand when I talk to Him.
OK, so there you have it. My favorite things.
What are some of your favorite things?